About EcoRestore
Working in Ecological Restoration since 2006, we have understood the importance of focusing on nature-based solutions to anthropogenic and natural degradation of ecosystems to mitigate climate change, address loss of ecosystem services, build disaster and climate resilience, and increase biodiversity.
We offer many services to land owners and managers who are restoring land or water to the functional ecological trajectory prior to degradation, as well as many services to improve the function of natural ecosystems that have been disturbed or degraded.
Additionally, we can provide services to adapt ecosystems and human modified environments to be more resilient to climate change. Please visit our services page for more information, or contact us to discuss your project.
EcoRestore manages the Ecosystem Restoration Citizen Science Movement, and the Canadian Citizen Science Association. Providing a model and platform for Community Based Citizen Science to enable Ecological Restoration Practitioners and concerned citizens to collectively work within their communities to restore ecosystems and build community capacity and climate resilience.
We engage and train citizens to become Citizen Scientists and connect them with researchers and practitioners to partner in Ecosystem Restoration and related research, interventions, and monitoring. We also organize community outreach, education, and intergenerational collaboration. All Citizen Science initiatives are inclusive and follow the United Nations Principles for Ecosystem Restoration, and SER’s International Principles & Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration.
Please contact us for more information if you would like to become a Citizen Scientist, or if your project would benefit from involving Citizen Science.